Italian Courses
The Italian Language School Koiné Centre is inspired from the concept of “lingua franca”: a new language between our mother tongue and the new language we are learning. So, Koiné wants to provide to its student any instruments they need to improve their language skills and to improve their “lingua franca” in the new contest where they use it.
The Italian Language School Koiné provides Italian Courses at all levels:
Italian courses in group
One-to-one Italian lessons
Corporate Italian courses
Italian courses for kids
Teaching method aimed at
speaking Italian from the beginning
Our teaching methods aim at developing the student’s communication skills. Students actively practice the four fundamental functions of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Although we give particular attention to conversation to let students express themselves in Italian from the very beginning of the course.
Learn Italian with native Teachers
We are proud to collaborate with a team of professional and efficient individuals who are dedicated to teaching their native tongue. They are all DITALS qualified to teach Italian as second Language at University for Foreigners of Siena and members of FIDEF (Federazione Italiana degli Enti e Scuole di Istruzione e Formazione), ANILS (Foreign languages’s Teachers Association) and ILSA (Association of the Teachers of italian as second language), with significant teaching experience. Many of them have dedicated their professional life to teaching while others have found their vocation while living in a foreign country. Their work is based on the passion and love for their own language and culture.
Communicative approach
Our method is based on a communicative and humanistic-affective approach to allow our students to learn a foreign language disheartening emotional filters or any fears they naturally feel. To engage all learners, teachers use communicative techniques and strategies aimed at involving students and creating a friendly and nice atmosphere that inspires enthusiasm and happyness in the learning process, essencial items to learn a foreign language.