16/06/2020 @ 7:00 – 8:00 – Do you need to practice italian language in a cozy and easy way? You are in the right place! Every Tuesday at 7:00pm you can Speak and take your homemade Aperitivo, talking with other New Friends from all over the world and one of our Mothertongue Italian Teacher! ONLINE, through Zoom, 4 FREE! 🙂 We […]
20/06/2020 – 18/07/2020 @ 10:00 – 12:00 – Nel mondo del lavoro, le nostre competenze e le nostra capacità sono fondamentali. Ma ancora più fondamentale è il saperle veicolare verso chi ci ascolta. Spesso, siamo chiamati a dover spiegare in riunioni e conferenze il risultato del nostro lavoro e se non abbiamo adeguati strumenti per farlo, rischiamo di far perdere valore ai nostri […]
22/06/2020 @ 10:00 – 19:00 – Do you want to be a qualified English Teacher Worldwide? This must be the Course! Our full-time Trinity CertTESOL course will last 4 weeks and it will take place from Monday to Friday from 11.00am to 7.30pm, including some short breaks and a lunch break, in Rome City Center. You will have the great opportunity […]
23/06/2020 @ 0:00 –
23/06/2020 @ 7:00 – 8:00 – Do you need to practice italian language in a cozy and easy way? You are in the right place! Every Tuesday at 7:00pm you can Speak and take your homemade Aperitivo, talking with other New Friends from all over the world and one of our Mothertongue Italian Teacher! ONLINE, through Zoom, 4 FREE! 🙂 We […]
30/06/2020 @ 7:00 – 8:00 – Do you need to practice italian language in a cozy and easy way? You are in the right place! Every Tuesday at 7:00pm you can Speak and take your homemade Aperitivo, talking with other New Friends from all over the world and one of our Mothertongue Italian Teacher! ONLINE, through Zoom, 4 FREE! 🙂 We […]
03/07/2020 @ 10:00 – 15:00 – SIMULAZIONE ESAMI DITALS (I e II livello) Vuoi testare le tue competenze e monitorare l’andamento del tuo studio prima dell’Esame DITALS? Koiné ti dà questa possibilità! Prezzo: 120€ Entro la settimana successiva riceverai un feedback dai nostri formatori, per darti la possibilità di colmare eventuali lacune e rimodulare lo studio bibliografico! *la Scuola si […]
10/07/2020 @ 14:30 – 18:30 – La Didattica a distanza – Nuove Metodologie e Piattaforme Online Il Corso ha l’obiettivo di formare Docenti, Formatori, Educatori e Insegnanti di Lingue, all’utilizzo di nuovi metodi di insegnamento a distanza, fornire strumenti pratici per la creazione dei materiali didattici online, offrire una panoramica sulle piattaforme più complete al momento; applicazioni e strumenti didattici […]
11/07/2020 @ 10:00 – 14:00 – The course Ditals, which is monitored by the University for Foreigners of Siena, is aimed at aspiring teachers of Italian as a second language and Italian as a Foreign Language (L2/LS). It consists of a series of modules that are intended to provide a solid theoretical and practical basis not only for the exam Ditals […]
17/07/2020 @ 10:00 – 15:00 – DITALS I EXAM